

【BOOK】Rushdoony, Hebrews, James & Jude, p.37

Rousas John Rushdoony, “Hebrews, James & Jude,” Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 2001, p.37

"In Hebrews, the purpose of the apostolic fellowship was to correct limited views of the Gospel. We cannot understand Hebrews except in terms of a broader purpose in Christ’s coming than “saving souls,” however necessary that is. An army called together for no other purpose than to express joy at being so called is a mockery and a futility.

The goal is God’s sabbath rest. Jesus Christ is God’s lawful High Priest because He is God’s lawful King. What cannot be done lawfully by man, the union of the two callings, is God’s ordination for Jesus Christ. We receive atonement and regeneration to serve our King, not to retreat into a waiting for the end amidst pious gushings.

Man’s fall led to the prevalence sin and death as the governing facts in aman’s life and history. The purpose of the atonement is to undo the fall, to empower man with grace and life to do God’s will, and to make this world into God’s Kingdom. Deny this fact and you deny God’s purpose in the atonement."